Ammika Harris made her fans on social media smile with a beautiful photo featuring herself and Aeko. People are in love with Ammika and Chris Brown’s baby boy and they simply cannot get enough of him.

Check out the post that Ammika shared on her social media account below.

Someone said: ‘Awwwww💛 I wonder who’s name he’s gonna say first mama dada or rotor,’ and another follower posted this message: ‘@ammikaaa yall are amazing together. God will watch and take care of both of you.’

A commenter said: ‘He is so connected to you like he’s back in the womb,’ and one other follower posted this: ‘♥♥ you’ll are so beautiful…I love this mom and son relationship it’s too beautiful ♥♥♥ …@ammikaaa you are a great mother and Chris is lucky to have you in his life.’

Someone else said: ‘The way his little hand is always touching you, that’s his comfort knowing momma is there.’

A follower posted this message: ‘sleep next to the one you birthed is one of the best feelings,’ and another commenter wrote: ‘Could’ve sworn that was Chris til I registered the baby hairs 😂 lol if that isn’t that man’s TWIN. Genes are strong as heck!’

A fan said: ‘Best moments ever ❤️ we can ask for with our babies!’ and one other follower posted this: ‘Awww yes can’t wait! To see Chris with him and you!’

One commenter posted the following message: ‘@ammikaaa your son is so amazing continue to take good care of him 😍great job as a first-time mommy,’ and someone else also praised little Aeko: ‘His little hand under your chin! OMGosh! I miss those days.’

Recently, Chris Brown shared a video featuring his baby mama, Ammika, and their gorgeous son, Aeko.

Other than this, Ammika showed off her gorgeous body, and even though she’s completely dressed, fans said that she might have shown off too much.


She’s not wearing a bra as you can see in the pics.
