Drew Barrymore has always been into renovating and interior design, but in recent years, her interest/hobby has become a bigger deal. She renovated a New York apartment on the Upper East Side and she showed a lot of the process on her social media and (I think?) on her talk show as well. Her apartment is finally done – a three-bedroom, three-bath home which she shares with her two daughters, two cats, two dogs and a bearded dragon. Drew showed off some of her apartment in Better Homes & Gardens, and she’s also shilling for her Walmart home line, Beautiful by Drew Barrymore – go here to see the full piece. Her interview with the magazine is pretty great too. Some highlights:

She hates recessed lights: “Recessed overhead lighting is not warm and it doesn’t make anyone look pretty. I feel like it gives me dark circles under my eyes and makes me feel like someone is tapping on my head.” Instead, she embraces sconces, hanging pendant lights, and flush mount fixtures that give off a diffused glow rather than a harsh, downward beam. “Lighting to me is a beautiful decorative art and you can find tons of cool stuff on salvage sites and in salvage stores. And if you go thrifting and flea marketing, which I love to do, you’ll almost always find amazing deals on lighting that will add personality to your space.”

No sharp edges: “Ever since I had children, I can’t bear to see a sharp edge in my space. I look at it and think, that corner could take out somebody’s eyeball!. Even my kitchen island has a soft edge. The minute I walked into that room for the first time I said, we need to sand that right down!”

No blackout curtains: “I hate blackout curtains. They make me feel claustrophobic and scared. I get really freaked out if I wake up in a hotel room in the morning and it is pitch black. If curtains are blackout, I always open them before I go to sleep—I’m up with the sun anyway—and at home I love nothing more than a sheer curtain in a pretty Indian blockprint.”

Stop doing everything open-concept: “I like the idea of what I call ‘closed-concept’ living. I want to start a movement. I don’t want anything to do with an open kitchen where everyone can see my dirty dishes during a dinner party! And I like the idea that you can have different design stories for different rooms. The pandemic really taught us that everyone in a house needs their own space—preferably with a door. And I’d rather have a bunch of tiny rooms than one big one.”

Screen time: “We watch a ton of movies and shows so I’m not judging anyone about screens. But when it comes to my kids, I’m not a huge fan of personal electronics, like iPads. During the pandemic when schools were virtual we were forced into all being on our separate devices and I didn’t like it. Now, I keep the iPads in a locked safe and they only come out for special occasions. I’d rather that the three of us all pile into my bed and watch together.”

[From Better Homes & Gardens]

I disagree with her about blackout curtains, but I’m also up with the sun (or earlier). Still, I love making my bedroom into a dark cave. Not every room needs to be sunny and bright. I’m with her on closed-concept though – some of those open-concept designs are lovely, but I would love for more people to understand that doors are not the enemy and it’s healthy to have dedicated spaces that are not for guests to see.

Cover & IGs courtesy of BH&G.
